

Granola cookies

Made the same as oat meal cookies (in my previous posts) just this time it is from home made granola. So it is more crunchy!
(Granola + 1 spoon natural yogurt, 50 ml milk, 1 big spoon of honey, 1 banana). Cooking time 10-15 min.


Start of the day

My second favorite breakfast.
Toast with cottage cheese, norwegian brown cheese, jam..
Coffee ! 


In the mood for love. Movie.

In the mood for love Kar Wai Wong
Soundtrack Yumeji's theme

He remembers those vanished years. As though looking through a dusty window pane, the past is something he could see, but not touch. And everything he sees is blurred and indistinct.

New York

"Niujorke kitaip: jautiesi kaip Alisa stebuklu salyje. Sovietmeciu mokykloje mus moke, kad dideles sventyklas statydavo tam, kad zmogus jaustusi mazas. Nesamone. Manau, jas state tam, kad jaustumes beribiai. Tai patyriau Niujorke: stovi, ir atrodo, kad kunas auga, o su juo - ir idejos, svajones..."

"Kai visas degi, niekas nesvarbu: dangus, kad ir koks pilkas butu, vis tiek atrodo grazus, zmones nuostabus, jautiesi gerai, nes darai tai, ka noryti"

photo by me, NYC, 201
(Johanna Glaza, 'Moteris' 2013'06)


Summer in Oslo

Songsvann lake

Ice cream!

Finally I have tried to make some home made ice cream

200g or 1/2 condensed sweet milk 
200g natural yogurt 
Mix together
Add some fresh berries
I added some crumbles og coffee cookies I have made yesterday..

Inspiration via here.  and this blog

The good start of the day

Breakfast.. Lunch .. Or dinner.. 
Home made granola, frozen fruit smothie with cottage cheese, fresh berries, not sweet yogurt- allways fits together


Coffee cookies

Coffee Caramel cookies

The coffee lovers (so am I) would enjoy these cookies a lot, I am sure.
Inspiration via here and here (in English)

No sugar added. It was sweet enough just from the sweet condensed milk. 
1/2 sweet condensed milk
150 g butter mixed together

In another bowl:
1 1/2 cup flour
1 tea spoon vanilla sugar
2 big spoons instant coffee
1 spoon cacao
1 tea spoon baking power
1 tea spoon salt
Mix together

I have added some dried cranberries to some. Perfect blend of tastes to even the sweetness.
(though some nuts, chocolate chips would fit too).

Later pour everything together
And mix for 5 min

Let to stay it in the fridge for 20 min. When it will be easier to spread it on the backing paper

Bake for around10 min in 200 C

Enjoy with some cold coffee milk shake :)


Movie- Crash

It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something. 

Coffee milkshake

Espresso, milk, ice cubes 2 cubes of frozen banana.



Hm I've missed pancakes for breakfast. So I have tried the healthier version

1 egg beaten well with 3 spoons of wholegrain flour, a splash of milk
2-3 spoons of cottage cheese
1 spoon of avena 
1/2 banana

5 min- one portion - 4 pancakes are ready:)

Fruity Yogurt jelly dessert

Fruity Yogurt jelly dessert

Natural plain yogurt mixed with berries, bananas, nuts, granola. 
Jelly boiled as it says on the package.
A night in a fridge and- a healthy not sweet dessert breakfast- ready.