

Slow down..

Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you. (John De Paola)

Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think. (Robert Henri)

Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it. (P.J. O'Rourke)

photo- by me

little things...

"Smulkmenos apskritai pacios graziausios. Net kai mylime, isimylime butent jas - nereiksmingas detales: koki juokingai miela peties kryptelejima, vaikiskos sypsenos atsvaita. Grazu tai, kas pazeidziama. Nes tai gyva. Smulkmenomis apsireiskia gyvybe. Jei norite- ir pats jo Kurejas. Jis krusteli pirsta, ir mes kaip vaikai juokiames is laime."

"Apskritai dideli dalykai man kelia dideliu itarimu. Na, kartais kelia ir mazi - bet mazu. Bent jau mazesniu".

"Miesto IQ", Liepa- Rugpjutis 2009


'Cinamonu kvepiantys namai' (3)

"O gal mums visiems reikejo sito NEISKRIDIMO, sito LAUKIMO, sito kambario? Gal nuo kazko bloga esam isgelbeti, kas galejo atsitikti siandien gryztant- sako, ne karta taip buve..."

"BUK RAMUS. Nenorek suprasti,
Neprasyk supratimo.
Atsisakyk troskimo,
Skatinancio suprasti".

"PYKTIS- kaip rastas ant vandens, rastas ant smelio, rastas ant metalo..."


"Per daugybe gyvenimu turite isgyventi ir suprasti, kad iesoti laimes pasulyje- beprasmiska, kad VISA, KO IESKOTE, GLUDI JUMYSE".


'Cinamonu kvepiantys namai.. '

"Gal gimei -
kad palesintum pauksti
vakaryksciais (tau)
trupiniais? '

"Buk tylus ir paprastas", "Tik tylos gelmej girdeti Dievo balsas".

"Jei burnoje druska- kokias saldzias sultis bemegintum gerti, vis tiek jausi druska. Is pradziu reikia gerai issikalauti burna".

"As sukuriau taip vadinama atsitiktinuma, kad galeciau uz jo pasislepti".

"...Pamilk mano netiketuma
Nes tai nera klaida.
Tai mano ketinimas ir valia".


Birute Mar- Cinamonu kvepiantys namai

Birute Mar- Cinamonu kvepiantys namai

(fotos -

'LIUDNA MINTI SUGAUK - suspausk, paglostyk kaip pauksciuka delne, paklydusi, iskridusi kambarin ir sukusi ratu. Paleisk toli'>

'Buk kaip LOTOSAS. Sumazink norus, gyvenk paprastai, tai yra kelias i laime. Prisirisimas atnesa skausma; Tuomet, kai mirtis papraso, kad viska paliktum ir visi viska paliktu, tave apima skausmas..."

John Q

No goodbye, you know I don't like goodbyes. See you later!

worth to watch..

Dear John..


Dear John (Querido John)
a very nice film.. about love of course.. true love..

'No matter where you are in the world,the moon is never bigger than your thumb.'

'Two weeks together, that's all it took, two weeks for me to fall for you.'

'I'm Not Really Sure Where You Are In The World right Now But I Know I Lost The right To Know That'

'Leave me alone, John..Please?" "What do you-What do you want from me, Savannah. I mean-Just tell me what you want from me, cause-Do you want me to quit? Is that it? You want me to quit? I don't know how we got here..I don't know what happened. Just woke up...And, there's...'

great soundtrack:
Set The Fire to the Third Bar
I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

Paperweight-by Joshua Radin

i want to make you laugh
mess up my bed with me
kick off the covers i'm waiting
every word you say i think
i should write down
don't want to forget come daylight
happy to lay here
just happy to lbe here
i'm happy to know you
play me a song

Amanda's love song- (simply beautiful for me )

Amanda Seyfried - Little House
please don't make a fuss
It won't go away
The wonder of it all
The wonder that I made
I am here to stay


The Sartorialist

I adore this blog. Great photos.

Mostly from NY, Paris, Milano, Florence, London
also Berlin, sometimes in other parts of the world- Russia, Brasil, Australia..




'Staltieses ritmu'

'Staltieses ritmu'- Paulius Jurkevičius (leidykla Tyto Alba, 2010, 356 psl).
Man labai patikusi knyga.
Visu pirma del to, kad knyga yra apie valgymo, maisto kultura sakyciau, todel neisvengiamai joje daug Italijos, ir tie pastebejimai apie ju gyvenima labai taiklus ir smagiai aprasyti. Na tikrai idomi ir naudinga.

Komentarai apie sia knyga:
City Out
Lengvi daiktai
Rasa Martens


Everything Man

I'm running, running, running just as fast as I can.
Tryin' to be your Everything Man.

You want me to want you but "not everyday."

You want me to beg when there's nothing to say.
You want me all edgy, but there's always a hitch.
I have to stay loyal when you act like a bitch.

You want toughness and sweetness
and softness and meanness.
Wanna make me the master of
this in-between-ness.

Josh Hopkins & Sheryl Crow - "Everything Man" (from Cougar Town)


to get lost..

I would love to spend a sunny afternoon here reading my favorite magazines and books :)